M. Faleiros Martins, S. Robins and C. Vignat, Simple proofs for the restricted partition function and its polynomial part, submitted to Expositiones Mathematicae

T. Amdeberhan, V. H. Moll, V. Sharma and C. Vignat, The valuations of power sums, submitted to International Journal of Number Theory

S. Chavan and C. Vignat, Evaluation of multivariate integrals based on a duality identity for the Stieltjes transform, submitted, Involve


Bradshaw, Z.P., Vignat, C. Berndt-type integrals: unveiling connections with Barnes zeta and Jacobi elliptic functions. Ramanujan J 66, 60 (2025)

C. Vignat and M. Milgram, Curious Multisection Identities by Index Factorization, Journal of Integer Sequences, 27-5, 2024

Salminen, P., & Vignat, C. (2024). Probabilistic aspects of Jacobi theta functions. MATHEMATICA SCANDINAVICA, 130(3).

T. Curtright, C. Vignat, Scale Invariant Scattering in 2D, Bulg. J. Phys. vol.51 no.1 (2024), pp. 104-108

Bradshaw, Z. P., & Vignat, C., Dubious Identities: A Visit to the Borwein Zoo. The American Mathematical Monthly, 131(5), 400–416, 2024

Z. Bradshaw, I. Gonzalez, L. Jiu, V. H. Moll and C. Vignat, Compatibility of the method of brackets with classical integration rules, Open Mathematics, pp.20220581, 21-1, 2023

Z. P. Bradshaw and C. Vignat, An Operational Calculus Generalization of Ramanujan's Master Theorem, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, pp.127029, 2023

P. Chavan, S. Chavan, C. Vignat and T. Wakhare, Dirichlet series under standard convolution: variations on Ramanujan’s identity for odd zeta values, Ramanujan Journal, 59, 1245-1285, 2022

K. Dilcher and C. Vignat, On a result of Koecher concerning Markov-Apery type formulas for the Riemann zeta function, International Journal of Number Theory, 19-04, 709-731, 2023

V.H. Moll and C. Vignat, Integrals involving Bernoulli and Euler polynomials, Scientia, Series A: Mathematical Sciences, 30, 55-78, 2020

T. Wakhare and C. Vignat, Taylor coefficients of the theta_3(q) function, Journal of Number Theory, 216, 280-306, 2020

C. Vignat, About some identities for Bessel polynomials, Scientia, Series A: Mathematical Sciences, 29, 29-36, 2019

L. Jiu, T. Wakhare and C. Vignat, Analytic Continuation for Multiple Zeta Values using Symbolic Representations, International Journal of Number Theory, 16-03, 579-602, 2020

T. Wakhare and C. Vignat, A symbolic approach to the poly-Bernoulli numbers, submitted, International Journal of Number Theory, Bruce Berndt Conference

J.M. Stoyanov and C. Vignat, Non-conventional limits of random sequences related to restricted partitions of integers, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 148, 1791-1804, 2020

K. Dilcher, A. Straub and C. Vignat, Identities for Bernoulli polynomials related to multiple Tornheim zeta functions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 476-2, 569-584, 2019

T. Amdeberhan, V.H. Moll, A. Straub and C. Vignat, A triple integral analogue of a multiple zeta value, International Journal of Number Theory, 17-02, 223-237, 2021

T. Wakhare and C. Vignat, Structural properties of multiple zeta values, International Journal of Number Theory, 17-8, 1873-1887, 2021

L. Jiu and C. Vignat, Connection coefficients for higher-order Bernoulli and Euler polynomials: a random walk approach, The Fibonacci Quarterly, 57-5, 84-95, 2019

T. Wakhare and C. Vignat, Settling some sums suppositions, Acta Arithmetica Hungarica, 157-2, 327-348, 2019

S. Robins and C. Vignat, Simple proofs and expressions for the restricted partition function and its polynomial part, submitted, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics

K. Dilcher and C. Vignat, Infinite products involving Dirichlet characters and cyclotomic polynomials, Advances in Applied Mathematics, 100, 43-70, 2018

T. Wakhare and C. Vignat, A continuous analog of lattice path enumeration: Part II, Online Journal of Analytic Combinatorics, 14, 2019

C. Vignat and T. Wakhare, Finite generating functions for the sum-of-digits sequence, The Ramanujan Journal, 50-3, 639-684, 2019

T. Wakhare and C. Vignat, Multiple Zeta values for classical special functions, Ramanujan J., 51, 519-551, 2020

C. Vignat and T.V. Wakhare, Woon’s tree and sums over compositions, Journal of Integer Sequences, 21, 18.3.4, 2018

T.V. Wakhare and C. Vignat, Base-$b$ analogues of classic combinatorial objects, submitted to Minnesota Journal of Undergraduate Mathematics

T. Wakhare, C. Vignat, Q.-N. Le and S. Robins, A continuous analogue of lattice path enumeration, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 26-3, #P3.57, 2019

K. Dilcher and C. Vignat, An explicit form of the polynomial part of a restricted partition function, Research in Number Theory, 3:1, 1-12, 2017

“Dedicated to the memory of our friend and colleague Jonathan M. Borwein, mathematician extraordinaire”

L. Jiu and C. Vignat, On binomial identities in arbitrary bases, Journal of Integer Sequences, vol 19, 16.5.5, 2016

V. De Angelis and C. Vignat, Euler Polynomials and Identities for Non-Commutative Operators, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 56, 123506, 2015

K. Dilcher and C. Vignat, General convolutions identities for Bernoulli and Euler polynomials, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 435-2, 1478-1498, March 2016

A. Dixit, M. L. Glasser, V. H. Moll and C. Vignat, Asymptotics and exact formulas for Zagier polynomials, Research in Number Theory, 2:12, 2016

L. Jiu, V. H. Moll and C. Vignat, A symbolic approach to some identities for Bernoulli-Barnes polynomials, International Journal of Number Theory, 12-3, 649-662, 2016

T. Amdeberhan, X. Guan, L. Jiu, V. H. Moll and C. Vignat, A series involving Catalan numbers. Proofs and demonstrations, Elemente der Mathematik, 71-3, 109-121, 2016

V. H. Moll, L. Jiu and C. Vignat, A symbolic approach to multiple zeta values at the negative integers, Journal of Symbolic Computation, Volume 84, 1-13, January-February 2018

V. H. Moll and C. Vignat, The integrals in Gradshteyn and Ryzhik. Part 29: Chebyshev polynomials, Scientia, 27, 2016, 31-40

V. H. Moll, T. Amdeberhan, A. Dixit, X. Guan, L. Jiu, A. Kuznetsov and C. Vignat, The integrals in Gradshteyn and Ryzhik. Part 30: Trigonometric functions, Scientia, 27, 2016, 47-74

J.M. Borwein, A. Straub and C. Vignat, Densities of short uniform random walks in higher dimensions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 437-1, 668-707, May 2016

A. Dixit, A. Kabza, V.H. Moll and C. Vignat, Modified Nörlund Polynomials, The Ramanujan Journal, 42-1, January 2017, 69-96

K. Dilcher and C. Vignat, Euler and the strong law of small numbers, The American Mathematical Monthly, 123, 5, 486-490, 2016

V. H. Moll and C. Vignat, Solutions to the Monthly problems 11739, 11765 and 11791

A. Dixit, L. Jiu, V. H. Moll and C. Vignat, The finite Fourier transform of classical polynomials, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 98, 145-160, 2015

V. H Moll and C. Vignat, Generalized Bernoulli numbers and a formula of Lucas, Fibonacci Quarterly, 53-4, 349, 2015

L. Jiu, V. H. Moll and C. Vignat, Identities for Generalized Euler Polynomials, Journal of Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 25-10, 777-789, 2014

A.R. Plastino, C. Vignat and A. Plastino, Variational Principle for a Schrödinger Equation with non-Hermitian Hamiltonian and Position-Dependent Mass, Communications in Theoretical Physics, 63-3, 275-278, 2015

V. H. Moll and C. Vignat, On polynomials connected to powers of Bessel functions, International Journal of Number Theory, 10-5, 1245-1257, 2014

A. Byrnes, L. Jiu, V. H. Moll and C. Vignat, Recursion Rules for the Hypergeometric Zeta Functions, International Journal of Number Theory, vol. 10, No 7, 1761-1782, 2014

C. Vignat and O. Leveque, Proof of a conjecture by Gazeau et al. using the Gould Hopper polynomials, J. Math. Phys. 54, 073513, 2013

T. Amdeberhan, V. de Angelis, A. Dixit, V. H. Moll and C. Vignat, From sequences to polynomials and back, Journal of Mathematical Physics 54, 123502, 2013

O. Leveque and C. Vignat, About some identities for Bessel polynomials, submitted, Integral Transforms and Special Functions

A. Dixit, V. H. Moll and C. Vignat, The Zagier modification of Bernoulli numbers and a polynomial extension. Part I, The Ramanujan Journal, 33-3, 379-422, April 2014

M. W. Coffey, V. de Angelis, A. Dixit, V. H. Moll, A. Straub and C. Vignat, The Zagier polynomials. Part II: Arithmetic Properties of Coefficients, The Ramanujan Journal, 35-3, 361-390, 2014

T. Amdeberhan, V. H. Moll and C. Vignat, A probabilistic interpretation of a sequence related to Narayana numbers, Online Journal of Analytic Combinatorics, Vol. 8, 2013

A. Bhandari and C. Vignat, A probabilistic interpretation of the Volkenborn integral, submitted, Applied Mathematics and Computation

H.M. Srivastava and C. Vignat, Probabilistic proofs of some relationships between the Bernoulli and Euler polynomials, European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 5-2, 97-107, 2012

C. Vignat and V.H. Moll, A probabilistic approach to some binomial identities, Elemente der Mathematik, 70-2, 55-66, 2015

O. Lévêque, C. Vignat, A probabilistic approach of sum rules for heat polynomials, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 45, 015001, 2012

C. Vignat, Moment representations of Bernoulli, Euler and Carlitz Hermite polynomials, submitted, Integral Transforms and Special Functions

T. Amdeberhan, V. H. Moll and C. Vignat, The Evaluation of a Quartic Integral via Schwinger, Schur and Bessel, Ramanujan Journal, 28, 1-14, 2012

J.S. Dehesa, A.R. Plastino, P. Sanchez-Moreno and C. Vignat, Generalized Cramér-Rao relations for non-relativistic quantum systems, Applied Mathematics Letters, 25, 1689-1694, 2012

If you’re not failing at something, you’re not trying hard enough.
                J. Knoxville